Web Design » Photoshop » What Is Overlay in Photoshop?

What Is Overlay in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:38 pm

Overlay is a Photoshop technique that is used to add a color or pattern over an image. The color or pattern is added to the top layer of the image, and the opacity is adjusted so that the image underneath is visible. Overlays are often used to add a vignette effect, or to make an image look more vintage.

There are two main types of overlays: clipping masks and layer masks. Clipping masks use the top layer to mask the bottom layer, so that only the part of the bottom layer that is within the shape of the top layer is visible. Layer masks use the top layer to mask the bottom layer, but both layers are visible and the top layer can be moved around without affecting the bottom layer.

PRO TIP: Overlay in Photoshop is a layer style that can be applied to a layer to create a transparent effect. If not used correctly, it can result in an undesirable result.

Overlays can be created with any type of image, but they are most commonly used with photos. To create an overlay, first open both the image you want to use as your base, and the image you want to use as your overlay.

Then, create a new layer in Photoshop and place your overlay image on this new layer. Next, change the blending mode of your overlay layer to “screen” or “multiply”. Finally, adjust the opacity of your overlay layer until you are happy with the result.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.