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Does Photoshop Cost Money?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:41 pm

As the world’s most popular photo editing software, Photoshop is used by amateurs and professionals alike to edit everything from family photos to images for magazines and advertisements. Despite its ubiquity, many people are unaware of how much Photoshop costs.

Here, we’ll explore the different pricing options for Adobe Photoshop so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s the right software for you.

Adobe Photoshop Pricing

Adobe Photoshop is available either as part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription service or as a one-time purchase. The Creative Cloud subscription gives you access to all of Adobe’s Creative Suite of tools, including Photoshop, for a monthly fee. The one-time purchase option is a perpetual license that doesn’t expire, but only receives updates until the next major release (approximately every 18 months).

PRO TIP: Please be aware that there are many scams online claiming that Photoshop is free. These are usually false and you may end up downloading malware or giving away personal information. Only download Photoshop from the official Adobe website to be sure you are getting the real thing.

Here are the current pricing options for Adobe Photoshop:

  • Creative Cloud Subscription: $19.99/month (with annual commitment) or $29.99/month (month-to-month)
  • One-Time Purchase: $699

Is Adobe Photoshop Worth the Cost?

Now that we’ve seen the different pricing options for Adobe Photoshop, you may be wondering if it’s worth the cost. If you’re a casual user who only needs to edit the occassional photo, there are plenty of free and less expensive options available, such as GIMP or Paint.net. However, if you’re a professional photographer or graphic designer who needs to edit photos on a regular basis, Photoshop is definitely worth the investment.

Does Photoshop Cost Money? – Conclusion
Yes, Adobe Photoshop does cost money – either as part of an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription or as a one-time purchase.

However, whether or not it is worth the cost depends on your needs and budget. If you’re a casual user who only needs to edit occassional photos, there are free and less expensive options available. However, if you’re a professional photographer or graphic designer who needs to regularly edit photos, then Photoshop is definitely worth the investment.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.