Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Fix Content Aware Fill in Photoshop?

How Do I Fix Content Aware Fill in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 3:57 pm

Content-Aware Fill is one of the most useful tools in Adobe Photoshop. It allows you to remove objects from photos and fill in the resulting space with pixels that match the surrounding area. This can be a huge time-saver when you’re trying to clean up a photo.

However, Content-Aware Fill isn’t perfect. Sometimes it can do a poor job of filling in the space, resulting in an obvious patch. Other times it may remove too much of the surrounding area, or fail to remove an object completely.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to improve the results you get from Content-Aware Fill. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to fix common problems with this tool.

    1. Use a Smaller Brush

    If you’re having trouble getting Content-Aware Fill to work correctly, try using a smaller brush. A smaller brush will give Photoshop less room to work with, which can sometimes result in better results.

    2. Increase the Radius

    If you’re still not happy with the results you’re getting, try increasing the radius. This will tell Photoshop to look further away from the edge of the selection for pixels that match. This can sometimes help if there are similar pixels elsewhere in the image.

    3. Use a Layer Mask

    Layer masks are a great way to control what gets removed by Content-Aware Fill. To use a layer mask, simply select the layer you want to modify and click the “Add Layer Mask” button at the bottom of the Layers panel.

    Then, use a black brush to paint over any areas that you don’t want affected by Content-Aware Fill. Photoshop will only remove pixels that are within the layer mask.

PRO TIP: Content Aware Fill is a great tool for quickly filling in areas of an image in Photoshop, but it’s important to use it with caution. If you’re not careful, you can easily end up with unwanted artifacts or smeared pixels in your image.
    4. Try Selecting Different Areas
    Try selecting different areas of the image. Sometimes Content-Aware Fill works better on certain types of objects than others, try selecting different areas of the image. If you’re having trouble removing an object, try selecting a different area around it and see if that gives better results, try selecting different areas of the image.

Content Aware fill is an amazing tool that can save you hours of editing time, but it’s not perfect. There are a few things you can do to improve its performance and get better results.

Try using a smaller brush, increasing the radius, or using a layer mask to control what gets removed. You can also try selecting different areas of the image to see if that gives better results. With these tips, you can get great results from content aware fill in Photoshop!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.