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What Is Grid in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 11:52 am

Grid in Photoshop is a feature that allows you to divide the canvas into a series of columns and rows, making it easier to align objects on the screen. You can customize the grid to your own preferences, and even save your own custom grid presets.

To access the Grid settings, go to Edit > Preferences > Grid (Photoshop CC 2015.5). You’ll see a number of options that you can adjust to change the appearance and behavior of the grid.

The first option is the Gridline Every setting, which determines how often a gridline appears. The second is Subdivisions, which allows you to subdivide each gridline into a smaller unit. This can be useful for aligning objects that are small or have fine details.

PRO TIP: Grid in Photoshop is a tool that allows you to place guides on your image, which can be used to help with aligning and positioning elements. However, if not used carefully, the grid can make your image look messy and cluttered. Make sure to use the grid tool sparingly and only when necessary.

The next two options, Grid Origin and Snap To, control how the gridlines are anchored to the canvas. Grid Origin determines where the first gridline appears, while Snap To dictates whether objects will snap to the nearest gridline when moved.

The last two options on this dialog box are Show Center Mark and Show Crosshair. These options add a small crosshair in the center of the canvas, which can be helpful for aligning objects.

The Grid feature in Photoshop can be a helpful tool for aligning objects on the canvas. By customizing the settings to your own preferences, you can make the grid work best for your needs.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.