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How Do You Blend Two Photos Together in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:04 pm

In Photoshop, there are a few different ways to blend two photos together. The most common way is to use the layer mask tool. With the layer mask tool, you can select the area of the photo that you want to blend together, and then use a brush to paint over the area. The brush will blend the two photos together. Another way to blend two photos together is to use the eraser tool. With the eraser tool, you can erase the area of one photo that you want to blend with the other photo.

The eraser will blend the two photos together. Finally, you can use the blending modes in Photoshop to blend two photos together. Blending modes allow you to control how the two photos will be blended together. To use a blending mode, simply select the layer that you want to apply the blending mode to, and then select a blending mode from the drop-down menu. Each blending mode will produce a different effect.

PRO TIP: When blending two photos together in Photoshop, it is important to be careful about the opacity of the layers. If the opacity is set too low, the photos will not blend together smoothly. Additionally, make sure to use a soft eraser tool when blending the photos to avoid harsh edges.

There are many different ways to blend two photos together in Photoshop.

With the eraser tool, you can erase the area of one photo that you want to blend with the other photo. The eraser will blend the two photos together. To use a blending mode, simply select the layer that you want to apply the blending mode to, and then select a blending mode from


There are many different ways that you can blend two photos together in Photoshop. The most common way is by using a layer mask or an eraser tool.

However, there are also many different blending modes that you can use in order to control how your two photos will be blended together. Experiment with each of these methods until you find one that works best for your needs.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.