Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Identify a Font in Photoshop?

How Do I Identify a Font in Photoshop?

Last updated on March 26, 2023 @ 8:33 am

There are a few ways to identify a font in Photoshop.

1. Using the Match Font tool

One way is to use the “Match Font” tool, which is located in the “Type” menu. This tool will allow you to identify the font of a selected text in your design and match it with the fonts available in the Photoshop fonts library.

To use the Match font tool,  first, select the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” from the left toolbar and select the text font that you want to identify.

From there, go to the Type menu and select the “Match Font” option.

This will open up the Match Font window where a list of fonts that matches the appearance of your selected text is identified.

2. Using the Character panel

Another way to identify a font is to look at the “Character” panel, which is also located in the “Window” menu. This panel will show you all of the fonts that are currently loaded in Photoshop. If you can’t find the font you’re looking for, you can always load more fonts by installing them on your computer and this will be automatically loaded in your Photoshop application.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, you may want to avoid using this tool to identify fonts. While it is possible to use Photoshop to identify fonts, it can be difficult to do so accurately if you are not familiar with the software. In addition, using Photoshop to identify fonts can be time-consuming and may result in inaccurate results.

3. Using Font Identifier Websites

If you still can’t find the font you’re looking for, there are a few other things you can try. One is to use a font identifier website, such as WhatTheFont or MyFonts. These websites allow you to upload an image of the text you want to identify and they will try to match it with a known font.

Once you’ve found the font you’re looking for, you can then install it on your computer if it’s not already installed. After it’s installed, you should be able to select it in Photoshop from the “Character” panel or the “Match Font” tool.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.