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How Do You Make a LUT in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:38 pm

A Look Up Table, or LUT, is a file that you can create in Photoshop that will allow you to map one set of colors to another. A LUT can be used to color grade images or video, and can be created from scratch or downloaded from the internet. Creating a LUT in Photoshop is a simple process that anyone can do with a little bit of practice.

The first step in creating a LUT is to open up the image or video that you want to color grade in Photoshop. Once the file is open, go to the “Window” menu and select “LUTs” from the drop down menu.

A new window will open up with a variety of options for creating your LUT. The most important option to consider is the “Output Mode” drop down menu. This menu will determine how your LUT will be applied to your image or video.

There are three different output modes to choose from: 1D Linear, 1D Logarithmic, and 3D Lookup Table. 1D Linear is the simplest mode and is best suited for images that do not have a lot of color variation. 1D Logarithmic is best for images with a lot of contrast, and 3D Lookup Table is best for videos.

Once you have selected an output mode, you can begin creating your LUT. To do this, go to the “Create LUT” button and click it. A new window will open up with a variety of options for creating your LUT.

PRO TIP: This article is about how to make a LUT in Photoshop. While it provides some helpful tips, it is important to note that using a LUT can result in image quality loss. Therefore, it is important to use caution when applying a LUT to your images.

The first option is the “Input Colorspace” drop down menu.

This menu determines the color space that your input image or video is in. The most common color spaces are sRGB and AdobeRGB. If you are unsure which color space your file is in, you can usually leave this setting as sRGB.

The next option is the “Output Colorspace” drop down menu. This menu determines the color space that your LUT will be created in. If you are unsure which color space your file should be in, you can usually leave this setting as sRGB.

The next option is the “Input Bit Depth” drop down menu. This menu determines the bit depth of your input image or video. The most common bit depths are 8-bit and 10-bit. If you are unsure which bit depth your file is, you can usually leave this setting as 8-bit.

The next option is the “Output Bit Depth” drop down menu. This menu determines the bit depth of your output image or video. If you are unsure which bit depth your file should be, you can usually leave this setting as 8-bit.

How Do You Make a LUT in Photoshop?

In order to make a look up table (LUT) in Photoshop, first open up the image or video that will be color graded in Photoshop. Next, go to Window > LUTs in order to open up a new window with various options for creating the desired LUT.

It’s important consider the output mode when creating a LUT because it will determine how exactly the table will be applied to an image or video.

There are three different output modes: 1D Linear (best suited for images without much color variation), 1D Logarithmic (good for images with high contrast), and 3D Lookup Table (ideal for videos).

After selecting an output mode, click on “Create LUT” in order to generate a new window with further options.

These include specifying an input colorspace and output colorspace (both typically sRGB), as well as designating input and output bit depths.

Once all desired settings have been selected, hit “OK” in order to generate the final product – a personalized look up table!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.