Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Make a Hexagon Shape in Photoshop?

How Do You Make a Hexagon Shape in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 13, 2023 @ 6:01 am

There are a few ways to make a hexagon shape in Photoshop.

One way is to use the Polygon tool. To do this, select the polygon tool from the toolbar and click anywhere on the canvas. A dialogue box will appear. Enter the number of sides you want (6 for a hexagon) and click OK. Then, click and drag on the canvas to create the shape.

Use Photoshop polygon tool to create hexagon

Another way to make a hexagon is to use the Pen tool. Select the pen tool from the toolbar and click anywhere on the canvas. Then, click and drag to create a point. Continue clicking and dragging to create more points until you have six points total.

Create hexagon path using Photoshop pen tool

To complete the shape, click on the first point you created. A hexagon will then be formed.

Use pen tool to create hexagon

You can also add color or texture to your hexagon shape using Photoshop’s fill and stroke options.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, this tutorial may not be for you. It is possible to make a hexagon shape in Photoshop, but it requires some basic knowledge of the software.

To add color, select the hexagon shape layer and then click on the “create new fill or adjustment layer” icon at the bottom of the layers panel. Choose “solid color” from the options and then click OK. A color picker will appear. Choose the color you want and then click OK.

Use Photoshop fill & stroke adjustment layer

To add texture, select the hexagon shape layer and then click on the “add layer style” icon at the bottom of the layers panel (it looks like a small f). A dialogue box will appear with several options. Choose “pattern overlay” from the list and then click OK.

Click Photoshop add a layer style

A new dialogue box will appear with a preview of your pattern options. Choose the pattern you want and then click OK.

Photoshop pattern overlay dialog box Photoshop hexagon with water pattern overlay layer


There are several ways to make a hexagon shape in Photoshop. You can use the Polygon tool, Pen tool, or even add color or texture using Photoshop’s fill and stroke options.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.