In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a seamless repeating pattern in Photoshop. We’ll start by creating a simple tileable image using Photoshop’s default shapes.
Next, we’ll use the Offset filter to create a seamless tile. Finally, we’ll add some subtlety to our pattern by applying a noise filter.
Creating a seamless repeating pattern in Photoshop is relatively simple. First, you need to create a tileable image.
This can be done by using Photoshop’s default shapes, or by finding an image online that you can use. Once you have your tileable image, you need to use the Offset filter to create a seamless tile. Finally, you need to add some subtlety to your pattern by applying a noise filter.
Let’s get started!
Step 1: Create a New Document
Open Photoshop and create a new document. The size of your document will depend on the size of your final pattern. For this tutorial, I’m going to use a canvas size of 1000x1000px.
Step 2: Create a Simple Tile
Now that we have our new document, we need to create a simple tile that we can use for our pattern. For this tutorial, I’m going to use one of Photoshop’s default shapes – the rectangle shape. To create your tile, simply drag out a rectangle onto your canvas.
Step 3: Apply the Offset Filter
Now that we have our rectangle shape, we need to apply the Offset filter to it. This will allow us to create a seamless tile. To do this, go to Filter > Other > Offset.
In the Offset dialog box, enter in values for Horizontal and Vertical Offset. These values will depend on the size of your document and the size of your rectangle shape. For this tutorial, I’m going to use values of 500px for both Horizontal and Vertical Offset.
Step 4: Add Some Subtlety with Noise
The last thing we need to do is add some subtlety to our pattern with noise. To do this, go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.
In the Add Noise dialog box, enter in a value for Amount and check the Monochromatic option. Again, these values will depend on the size of your document and the amount of noise you want in your pattern. For this tutorial, I’m going to use values of 10% for Amount and 100% for Monochromatic.
How Do You Make a Seamless Repeating Pattern in Photoshop? is easy once you know how! Creating a seamless repeating pattern in Photoshop is relatively simple if you follow these four steps: firstly , you need to create a new document; secondly , find or create a simple tile; thirdly , apply the Offset filter; and fourthly , add some subtlety with noise by using the Add Noise dialog box.
With these helpful instructions , now you try creating your own seamless repeating patterns in Adobe Photoshop !