There are a few different ways to put two pictures next to each other in Photoshop. The first way is to simply open both images in Photoshop side by side. Then, go to the ‘Layer’ menu at the top of the screen and select ‘New’ and then ‘Layer.’ A new layer will appear in the Layers palette. Next, drag the second image into the new layer.
Make sure that the second image is on top of the first image in the Layers palette. Finally, go to the ‘Edit’ menu and select ‘Free Transform.’ A box will appear around both images. Drag the second image to the right until it is next to the first image. Press ‘Enter’ when you’re done.
Another way to put two pictures next to each other in Photoshop is to use the ‘Copy and Paste’ method. First, open both images in Photoshop. Then, go to one of the images and select the area that you want to copy. To do this, go to the ‘Select’ menu at the top of the screen and choose ‘All.’ Alternatively, you can press ‘Ctrl+A’ on your keyboard. Next, go to the ‘Edit’ menu and select ‘Copy.’
Now, go to the other image and go to the ‘Edit’ menu again. This time, select ‘Paste.’ The first image will appear in a new layer on top of the second image. Finally, go to the ‘Layer’ menu and select ‘Free Transform. Drag the first image to the right until it is next to the second image.
There are a few different ways to put two pictures next to each other in Photoshop. Then, go to Layer > New > Layer from File at from at at fromthe top ofthe screenand selectthe secondimage fileto open itas a newlayerin your project.
Next, drag this layerbelowthefirst layerin your Layerspalette.
You can nowusethe MoveToolto positionthis layeron your canvas.
If you needto resizeeitherlayer,you can do thiswith FreeTransformby selectingEdit > FreeTransformor pressingCtrl/Cmd+T.
Onceyou havebothlayersin positionand sizedhowyou wantthemto be,go up tot heImage > CanvasSizemenu itemand make surethe Relativecheckboxis selected.
Enter thenewcanvasdimensionsyou needin inchesor centimeters- make surethe widthis largeenoughfor bothlayersand thatthe heightis as tallas youneeditto be for your purposes.
ClickOKto acceptthese changesand add whitespaceto fillin aroundyour twolayers.
In conclusion, there are a few different ways that you can put two pictures next to each other in Photoshop. You can either open both images in Photoshop side by side and drag one into a new layer on top of the other.
Or, you can use the Copy and Paste method by copying one image and pasting it into a new layer on top of another image. You can also use Canvas Size to add white space around your two layers if needed.