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What Are Blending Modes in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:24 pm

Blending modes are a set of options in Photoshop that allows you to blend two images together. There are several different types of blending modes, each with its own set of options.

The most common type of blending mode is the “normal” mode. This mode simply combines the two images together without any special effects.

Another common type of blending mode is the “multiply” mode. This mode multiplies the colors of the two images together, resulting in a darker image.

The “screen” mode is the opposite of the multiply mode, and results in a lighter image.

The “overlay” mode combines the colors of the two images together, but keeps the lightest colors from both images.

PRO TIP: Blending modes are a set of options in Photoshop that allows you to blend two images together. There are different types of blending modes, each with its own purpose.

When using blending modes, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved. Blending modes can sometimes cause unexpected results, and may not be compatible with all images. Be sure to save a backup copy of your image before applying any blending mode.

The “soft light” mode combines the colors of the two images together, but gives more weight to the lighter colors.

The “hard light” mode is similar to the soft light mode, but gives more weight to the darker colors.

The “color dodge” and “color burn” modes are special effect modes that can create some interesting results.

Finally, there is the “hue”, “saturation”, “luminosity”, and “color” blending modes. These modes change the way colors are combined, without changing the overall brightness of the image.

Blending modes offer a lot of flexibility in Photoshop, and can be used to create some interesting effects. Experiment with different blending modes to see what kinds of results you can achieve.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.