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How Do You Stack Exposure in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:04 pm

One of the main goals of exposure in photography is to create a balance between the light and dark areas in an image. This can be tricky to achieve, but Photoshop offers a number of ways to help you get the perfect exposure.

One way to adjust exposure is to use the Levels tool. This tool allows you to control the black point, white point, and midtones in an image. By adjusting these points, you can lighten or darken specific areas of an image.

PRO TIP: When working with exposure in Photoshop, it is important to be aware of the potential for clipping. Clipping is when the highlights or shadows in an image are clipped off, resulting in a loss of detail. To avoid clipping, be sure to check the histogram of your image before making any exposure adjustments.

Another way to adjust exposure is to use the Curves tool. This tool works in a similar way to the Levels tool, but it offers more control over specific areas of an image. By adjusting the curve, you can Target specific tones in an image and make precise adjustments to the exposure.

Finally, you can also use the Exposure adjustment layer. This layer allows you to make global changes to the exposure of an image. By increasing or decreasing the exposure, you can lighten or darken the entire image.

All of these methods can be used to stack exposures in Photoshop. By combining multiple exposures, you can create a more balanced image with greater detail in both the light and dark areas.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.