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What Is the Difference Between Photoshop CS5 and CS6?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:11 pm

When it comes to image editing software, Photoshop is one of the most popular choices out there. And within the Photoshop family, there are different versions available, each with its own set of features and capabilities.

Two of the more popular versions are Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS6. So what’s the difference between them?

Photoshop CS5 was first released in 2010, while Photoshop CS6 came out in 2012. One of the main differences between the two is that CS6 offers a more updated and modern interface.

It also includes new features and tools that were not available in CS5. For example, the Content-Aware Move tool allows you to move objects around in an image without distorting or damaging the surrounding content. And the Adaptive Wide Angle filter lets you correct for lens distortion, even after the fact.

PRO TIP: Warning: The following article may contain spoilers for the difference between Photoshop CS5 and CS6.

Another big difference between Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS6 is that CS6 is only available as part of Adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription service. This means that you have to pay a monthly fee to use it, whereas CS5 is a one-time purchase. So if you’re looking for a more affordable option, then CS5 might be the way to go.

All in all, both Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS6 are excellent choices for image editing software. It really just comes down to personal preference and which features are most important to you.

In conclusion, Photoshop CS5 and 6 are two great pieces of software for image editing however differ in a few key areas. The main difference being that 6 offers a more modern interface with new features not found in 5. Another big difference is that 6 is only available through Adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription service which means you have to pay monthly to use it where 5 is a one-time purchase

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.