Web Design » Photoshop » What Version of Photoshop Has Content Aware Fill?

What Version of Photoshop Has Content Aware Fill?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:12 pm

The Content-Aware Fill feature in Photoshop is one of the most amazing and versatile tools that you can use to remove objects from your images. It’s been around for a while now, but with the release of Photoshop CC 2019, it’s gotten even better. So, what version of Photoshop has Content-Aware Fill?

The Content-Aware Fill feature was first introduced in Photoshop CS5, and it has been available in every subsequent version of Photoshop since then. So, if you’re using any version of Photoshop from CS5 onwards, you’ll be able to take advantage of this amazing tool.

If you’re not familiar with how Content-Aware Fill works, it essentially allows you to select an object in your image and remove it, without leaving any tell-tale signs that it was ever there. The way it works is by examining the surrounding pixels and then filling in the area where the object was with pixels that match the surrounding area.

PRO TIP: Content-Aware Fill is a Photoshop feature that allows you to remove objects from your images and replace them withContent-Aware Fill is a Photoshop feature that allows you to remove objects from your images and replace them with new content. However, this feature can also be used to remove people from your photos. If you use this feature, be sure to only remove people who you have permission to remove.

One of the great things about Content-Aware Fill is that it’s non-destructive, so you can always go back and make changes if you’re not happy with the results. And, if you’re using Photoshop CC 2019, you now have even more control over how Content-Aware Fill works, thanks to the new ‘Content Aware Patch’ tool.

So, what version of Photoshop has Content-Aware Fill? All versions of Photoshop from CS5 onwards have this amazing feature.

Content Aware fill is a great tool that allows users to remove objects from images without leaving any trace. This feature was first introduced in Photoshop CS5 and has been available in every subsequent version since. So, any version of Photoshop from CS5 onwards will have this tool available.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.