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How Do You Edit Eyes in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:41 pm

Eyes are the windows to the soul, so they say. Therefore, it’s important to make sure they look their best in photos!

Whether you’re trying to achieve a natural look or something more dramatic, editing eyes in Photoshop can help you achieve your desired result. Here are some tips on how to edit eyes in Photoshop:

1. Start with the basics.

Before you start getting too creative, it’s important to make sure that the photo is well-lit and that the eyes are in focus. If the photo is too dark or blurry, it will be difficult to achieve a good result.

2. Whiten the whites of the eyes. This is a common technique that can help brighten up the eyes and make them look more awake.

PRO TIP: How Do You Edit Eyes in Photoshop? is a question that often comes up in the Photoshop community. While there are many ways to edit eyes in Photoshop, there are a few things to keep in mind when doing so. First and foremost, be careful not to over-edit eyes. This can lead to an unnatural look that can be quite off-putting. Secondly, when editing eyes in Photoshop, be sure to pay attention to the catchlights. These are the tiny highlights in the eyes that help to give them their sparkle. If they are edited too much, they can look fake and out of place.

To do this, create a new layer and set it to “Screen.” Then, use a white brush to paint over the whites of the eyes. You may need to play around with the opacity of the brush to get the right effect.

3. Enhance the irises. The next step is to enhance the color and clarity of the irises.

To do this, create a new layer and set it to “Overlay.” Then, use a black or dark-colored brush to paint over the irises. You can also use this technique to darken the pupils if they appear too light.

4. Make any necessary adjustments. Once you’ve completed the basic steps, you can start getting creative!

If you want to make your eyes look bigger, try using the “Ellipse” tool to create a circular selection around each eye. Then, use the “Feather” tool to soften the edges of the selection and make it blend in with the rest of the photo. To make your eyes look closer together, simply reduce the size of each selection.

These are just a few basic tips on how to edit eyes in Photoshop. With practice, you’ll be able to achieve any desired result!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.