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How Do You Keep Proportions in Photoshop When Resizing?

Last updated on April 2, 2023 @ 8:15 am

When you’re working with images in Adobe Photoshop, it’s important to maintain the correct proportions of the image. This can be especially tricky when you’re trying to resize an image. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on how to keep proportions in Photoshop when resizing.

1. Using the “Maintain aspect ratio” in the Transform Menu

One of the easiest ways to keep proportions in Photoshop is by using the “Maintain aspect ratio” option. This can be found in the “Transform” menu. Just go to Edit > Transform > Scale.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+T” to enable the Transform Tool.

Before you begin resizing, go to the top menu then select the “Maintain aspect ratio” button that looks like a chain or link and it will automatically maintain the original proportions of your image as you resize it.

2. Using the “Constrain aspect ratio” in the Image Size window

Another way to keep proportions in Photoshop is by using a standard measurement. For example, if you know the width of the final image should be 8 inches, you can set that as a measurement in Photoshop. To do this, simply go to Image > Image Size to open up the Image Size window.

Then, when you go to resize the image, make sure to select the “Constrain aspect ratio” button which looks like a chain or link. Now, you can input “8 inches” in the field next to “Width.” This will automatically set the height of the image so that the proportions are maintained.

PRO TIP: When resizing in Photoshop, be aware that the image may become distorted if the proportions are not maintained. To keep the image from becoming distorted, select the “Constrain aspect ratio” in the Image Size window when resizing.

3. Using a Specific Aspect Ratio found in the Crop Tool menu

Finally, you can also keep proportions in Photoshop by using a specific aspect ratio. You can find this in the Crop Tool options in the top menu. An aspect ratio is simply the ratio of width to height for an image. For example, the standard aspect ratio for digital photos is 4:3. This means that for every 4 units of width, there will be 3 units of height.


When you’re working with images in Adobe Photoshop, it’s important to maintain the correct proportions of the image. Keeping proportions in Photoshop is important for preserving the integrity of your images. By using one of the methods described above, you can make sure that your images are resized correctly and look their best.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.