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What Does CTRL 1 Do in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:52 pm

The Ctrl+1 shortcut in Photoshop is the keyboard shortcut for the Select All command. This command is used to select all of the pixels in an image, or all of the layers in a layer stack.

The Select All command is located in the Edit menu, and can also be accessed by pressing the A key. When all of the pixels or layers are selected, they will appear highlighted in the image window.

The Ctrl+1 shortcut is a quick way to select all of the pixels or layers in an image. This can be useful when you need to make global changes to an image, or when you want to copy and paste all of the pixels into a new document. The Select All command is also useful for deleting all of the pixels or layers in an image.

PRO TIP: What Does CTRL 1 Do in Photoshop?

Ctrl 1 is the shortcut for the “Select All” command. This command will select all of the layers in your Photoshop document. Be careful when using this shortcut, as it can unintentionally select all layers in your image, including hidden ones.

What Does CTRL 1 Do in Photoshop?

The Ctrl+1 shortcut in Photoshop is the keyboard shortcut for the Select All command.

The Select All command is located in the Edit menu, and can also be accessed by pressing the A key.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.