Color Range is located in the Select menu under Color Range. It allows you to select a specific color or range of colors in an image. This can be useful for making precise selections or for isolating colors in an image.
To use Color Range, first make a selection using any of the selection tools. Then, go to Select > Color Range. In the dialog box that opens, choose from one of the following options:
- Sampled Colors: This option lets you click on specific colors in the image to select them. Simply click on the color you want to select, and then press OK.
You can also adjust the Fuzziness slider to include more or less similar colors in the selection.
- Targeted Colors: This option lets you click and drag in the image to select a range of colors. Simply click and drag over the colors you want to select, and then release the mouse button. You can also adjust the Fuzziness slider to include more or less similar colors in the selection.
Note: The Fuzziness slider only appears when Targeted Colors is selected.
PRO TIP: If you are looking for the ‘Color Range’ option in Photoshop, be aware that it has been moved to the ‘Select’ menu.