Web Development » UpWork » What happens after you submit a proposal on UpWork?

What happens after you submit a proposal on UpWork?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:54 pm

When you submit a proposal on UpWork, you will be asked to provide contact information for your team, as well as your project timeline and budget. After your proposal is submitted, you will receive an email notification from UpWork, and your team will be able to start editing and approving your proposal. Once your team has accepted your proposal, you will be asked to pay your project fee and complete your project timeline and budget. You will then be able to submit your project to the marketplace and start receiving bids from other professionals.

PRO TIP: If you submit a proposal on Upwork, be aware that you may receive messages from clients asking for more information about your proposal. Be sure to respond to these messages promptly and provide all the information the client has requested.

If your project is accepted, you will be able to start working on it and will be paid according to the contract terms you agreed to. If your project is not accepted, your team will be able to refund your project fee and you will not have to pay any additional fees. After your project is completed, you will be able to submit a final report to UpWork, and you will receive your final payment.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.