Web Design » Canva » Are Canva Resumes Unprofessional?

Are Canva Resumes Unprofessional?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 2:46 pm

As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, job seekers are looking for any edge they can get when it comes to their resumes. Canva is a popular online graphic design platform that allows users to create professional-looking resumes with the help of templates.

However, some people believe that using a Canva resume is unprofessional and gives the impression that the job seeker is not serious about their career.

There is no doubt that first impressions matter, and a well-designed resume can help you make a good one. Canva offers users a wide selection of templates to choose from, as well as tools to customize their resume to match their personal brand.

While some may see this as an opportunity to show off their creative side, others believe that using a template makes your resume look generic and unprofessional.

So, what’s the verdict? Are Canva resumes unprofessional?

The answer may depend on your industry and the role you’re applying for. If you’re applying for a creative role or one that values design skills, then using a Canva resume may actually give you an advantage. However, if you’re applying for a more traditional role or one where the focus is on your experience and qualifications, then it’s probably best to stick with a more traditional resume format.

PRO TIP: Canva resumes may not be suitable for all professional environments. If you are applying for a job that requires a more traditional resume, it is best to use a resume template that is designed for this purpose.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide what format best represents your personal brand and will make the strongest impression on potential employers. If you decide to use a Canva resume, just make sure that it is error-free and conveys all the important information that employers need to know about you.


So, what’s the verdict? Are Canva resumes unprofessional? The answer may depend on your industry and the role you’re applying for.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.