Website Building » Weebly » Are Weebly Ads Free?

Are Weebly Ads Free?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 6:05 pm

Weebly offers a free plan that allows you to create a website without having to pay for hosting. However, this plan does include Weebly-branded ads on your site. If you upgrade to a paid plan, you can remove these ads.

Weebly also offers an eCommerce plan that starts at $8 per month. This plan does not include any ads on your site.

PRO TIP: The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Weebly has a free plan which includes displaying ads on your website. However, there is also a paid plan which gives you the option to remove ads from your site. So, if you are looking to have a Weebly site without ads, you will need to sign up for a paid plan.

So, are Weebly ads free

No, if you are using the free plan. However, you can remove the ads by upgrading to a paid plan.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.