AWS CLI profiles allow you to configure AWS services in a specific way, and store the configuration in a profile file. You can use the AWS configure command to create or update a profile.
To see your AWS CLI profile, type the following command in your cmd:
PRO TIP: If you are using the AWS CLI, you can see your profile by running the “aws configure” command. This will show you your current profile, as well as your default region and output format.
aws configure list-profiles
aws sts get-caller-identity – -profile (name of the profile you want to view)
The output displays your UserId, Account, and Arn.
That’s how easy it is to see your AWS CLI profile.
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AWS CLI is a command line interface for Amazon Web Services. To use the AWS CLI, you must first configure it. To configure the AWS CLI, you must first install the AWS CLI.
If you don’t remember your AWS account ID, you can easily find it by following these steps:
Log in to your AWS account. In the top left corner of the main page, under “My Account,” click “Account Details.
” Under “Your Account Details,” under “Access Keys,” click “View Access Key.” Copy the Access Key ID. You can also find your Access Key ID by following these steps:
Log in to your AWS account.” In the “Access Keys” box, under “Access Key ID,” paste the Access Key ID you copied in the previous step.