Web Design » Canva » Can Canva Pro Fonts Be Used Commercially?

Can Canva Pro Fonts Be Used Commercially?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 12:21 am

Canva Pro is a great way to make professional looking designs and it’s easy to use. But one thing that can be a bit tricky is finding fonts that you can use commercially. Here’s a quick guide to help you out.

The great thing about Canva Pro is that you have access to thousands of different fonts. However, not all of these fonts can be used for commercial purposes.

If you want to use a font for commercial purposes, you need to make sure that it has a commercial license. The best way to find out if a font has a commercial license is to check the website of the font foundry that created it.

PRO TIP: Can Canva Pro Fonts Be Used Commercially?

Yes, Canva Pro Fonts can be used commercially however, there are a few things to be aware of. First and foremost, when using Canva Pro Fonts for commercial purposes, it is important to make sure that the fonts are properly licensed. Secondly, it is important to note that some fonts may not be suitable for certain businesses or products. Lastly, when using Canva Pro Fonts commercially, always remember to give credit where it is due.

If you’re not sure which font foundry created a particular font, you can do a quick search on Google. Just type in the name of the font followed by “font foundry.” For example, if you want to find out who created the “Avenir” font, you would type “Avenir font foundry” into Google.

Once you know which font foundry created the font you want to use, you can visit their website and look for information on licensing. Most font foundries will have this information readily available. If you can’t find it, or if you’re still not sure if a font can be used commercially, you can always contact the font foundry directly and ask.

Conclusion: Canva Pro fonts can be used commercially as long as they have the correct licensing from the original creators. You can check this by visiting the website of the font foundry or contacting them directly.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.