Web Design » Figma » Can Figma Take in Video?

Can Figma Take in Video?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:39 am

In the world of design, there are many different software programs that can be used to create designs. However, Figma is one program that seems to be rising in popularity, especially among those who work in web design. So, the question is, can Figma take in video?

The answer is yes! Figma can take in video and help you create designs that are both creative and professional. Here’s how:

Figma allows you to upload video files directly into the software. Once your video is uploaded, you can then use Figma’s tools to edit the video.

This means that you can crop the video, add text or graphics, and even animate the video. You can also export your edited video as a GIF file, which can be used on websites or social media.

PRO TIP: Figma is not built to take in video footage and as such, trying to use it for this purpose can result in unexpected behavior or errors. If you absolutely must use Figma for video editing, be sure to save your project frequently and create backups as you go.

Figma’s ability to take in and edit video makes it a great tool for web designers. With Figma, you can easily add videos to websites or social media posts, and you can also create GIF files that can be used as website headers or advertisements. If you’re looking for a software program that can help you create professional and creative designs, then Figma is definitely worth considering.

Can Figma Take in Video?

The answer is yes! Figma can take in video and help you create designs that are both creative and professional.

Here’s how:

  • Figma allows you to upload video files directly into the software. Once your video is uploaded, you can then use Figma’s tools to edit the video. This means that you can crop the video, add text or graphics, and even animate the video.

Figma’s ability to take in and edit video makes it a great tool for web designers.

  • With Figma, you can easily add videos to websites or social media posts, and you can also create GIF files that can be used as website headers or advertisements. If you’re looking for a software program that can help you create professional and creative designs, then Figma is definitely worth considering.


Overall, Figma is a great design software program that has many features which makes it perfect for web designers who want to add videos to their website or create GIF files. If you are looking for a software program that offers these features, then Figma should be at the top of your list!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.