Web Development » Fiverr » Can Fiverr Ban You?

Can Fiverr Ban You?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:03 pm

Fiverr is a marketplace where freelancers can offer their services for “gigs” that start at $5.00. Although Fiverr has a strict policy against certain types of gigs, it is generally considered to be a very permissive platform. This can be a great thing if you’re a freelancer who wants to offer unique or unusual services, but it also means that there is a risk of being banned from the site.

The most common reason for being banned from Fiverr is violating the site’s terms of service. This can include anything from spamming other users to offering illegal services.

If you’re suspected of violating the terms of service, you will usually be given a warning first. However, if you continue to violate the terms of service, you will be banned from the site.

Another reason you may be banned from Fiverr is if you receive too many negative reviews. Freelancers on Fiverr are rated on a five-star system, and if your average rating falls below four stars, you may be at risk of being banned. Additionally, if you receive a high number of refunds or cancellations, this can also lead to being banned from the site.

PRO TIP: If you violate Fiverr’s Terms of Service, your account may be banned. Some violations that could result in a ban include:

– Posting offensive or inappropriate content

– Spamming other users or Fiverr staff

– Impersonating other users or celebrities

– Posting personal information of other users without their consent

– Attempting to hack into other user accounts or Fiverr’s systems

If you are banned from Fiverr, you will no longer be able to access your account or any of the services offered on the site.

If you are banned from Fiverr, it is not necessarily permanent. You may be able to appeal the decision or take other steps to get reinstated. However, it’s important to note that once you are banned, your account and all associated information will be deleted, so it’s important to back up any important information before appealing.

Can Fiverr Ban You

Fiverr is a marketplace where freelancers can offer their services for “gigs” that start at $5. Although Fiverr has a strict policy against certain types of gigs, it is generally considered to be a very permissive platform. This can be a great thing if you’re a freelancer who wants to offer unique or unusual services, but it also means that there is a risk of being banned from the site.

The most common reason for being banned from Fiverr is violating the site’s terms of service.

This can include anything from spamming other users to offering illegal services. If you’re suspected of violating the terms of service, you will usually be given a warning first. However, if you continue to violate the terms of service, you will be banned from the site.


In conclusion, while Fiverr is known to be permissive in what type of gigs are allowed on their platform, they do have strict policies in place and if those policies are violated, users can and have been banned from the site. The most common reasons for being banned seem to be either violation of ToS or receiving too many negative reviews.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.