Web Development » Fiverr » Can Fiverr Contact My University?

Can Fiverr Contact My University?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:26 am

As a student, you may be wondering if Fiverr can contact your university. The answer is yes, Fiverr can contact your university, but only if you give them explicit permission to do so. Here’s what you need to know about giving Fiverr permission to contact your university.

Fiverr is a site that allows people to offer their services for $5. These services can be anything from design work to SEO help. Many students use Fiverr to get help with their coursework or to find someone to do odd jobs around campus.

If you use Fiverr, you may be asked to give the site permission to contact your university. This permission is only granted if you explicitly give it. If you do not want Fiverr to contact your university, you can simply decline the request.

There are a few reasons why Fiverr may want to contact your university. One reason is to verify your student status.

This is important because it allows Fiverr to offer discounts to students. Another reason is that your university may have a partnership with Fiverr. This partnership could allow students to get discounts or other benefits from using the site.

If you are unsure about giving Fiverr permission to contact your university, you can always ask customer service for more information. They will be able to tell you more about why the site needs this information and what it will be used for. In the end, it is up to you whether or not you want to give Fiverr permission to contact your university.

Can Fiverr Contact My University?

Fiverr can only contact your university if you explicitly give them permission to do so.

There are a few reasons why Fiverr may want this permission:

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Fiverr to contact your university, be aware that there have been reports of scams and fraud associated with this service. It is important to do your research and only use a reputable and trusted source when contacting your university.
  • To verify student status (this allows Fiverr offer discounts)
  • Because your school has a partnership with Fiverr (this could allow students access discounts or other benefits)

If unsure about giving this permission, ask customer service for more information.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.