Web Development » UpWork » Can Foreigners Use UpWork?

Can Foreigners Use UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:31 am

There’s no doubt that UpWork is a great platform for freelancers. It offers a wide variety of opportunities and allows you to connect with clients from all over the world.

But what about foreigners? Can they use UpWork?

The answer is yes! UpWork is open to anyone, regardless of their nationality. All you need is a valid email address and a PayPal account (or other payment method) to get started.

PRO TIP: We would like to warn you that foreigners may not be able to use Upwork. Upwork is a site that connects freelancers with clients, and it appears that they may only allow United States citizens to sign up and use their services. We advise you to research this further before attempting to sign up for Upwork.

So if you’re a foreigner looking for work, don’t hesitate to give UpWork a try. You might just be surprised at the opportunities that await you.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.