Hosting » DigitalOcean » Can I clone a droplet DigitalOcean?

Can I clone a droplet DigitalOcean?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:51 pm

Cloning a droplet DigitalOcean is straightforward. Simply create a new droplet, select the clone droplet option, and provide the required information.

If you have an existing droplet, you can simply choose to clone it.

PRO TIP: You should not clone a droplet on DigitalOcean unless you are absolutely sure that you know what you are doing. Cloning a droplet can result in data loss and instability if not done correctly.

When you clone a droplet, the new droplet will be exactly the same as the original. The only difference will be the IP address and the amount of disk space.

If you plan to use the new droplet for a different project, you’ll need to adjust the IP address and disk space.

Cloning a droplet is a great way to create a duplicate of an existing droplet. This is useful if you need to scale an existing project or if you need to test a new project before you deploy it to a live droplet.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.