Web Design » Canva » Can I Design Stuff in Canva and Sell It?

Can I Design Stuff in Canva and Sell It?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 7:29 pm

Yes! You can design stuff in Canva and sell it.

In fact, many people do just that. Canva is a great platform for creating high-quality designs, and you can absolutely sell your designs on there.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to sell your designs on Canva, though. First of all, make sure that you have the appropriate licenses for any fonts or images that you use in your design.

Otherwise, you could be violating copyright law. Secondly, be aware that Canva’s terms of service do not allow you to sell designs that contain “offensive, pornographic, or libelous content.” So keep your designs clean and respectful if you want to sell them on Canva.

Other than those two things, selling your designs on Canva is a great way to make some extra money. You can set your own prices for your designs, andCanva takes a small cut of each sale. So if you’re looking to make some money from your design skills, head over to Canva and start selling!

PRO TIP: Can I Design Stuff in Canva and Sell It?

Yes, you can design stuff in Canva and sell it. However, you need to be aware of a few things before you do so.

First, make sure that you have the rights to any photos or other elements that you use in your design. If you don’t have the rights, you could be infringing on someone’s copyright.

Second, be aware that Canva’s terms of service allow them to use any designs that you create on their platform. So, if you sell a design that you created in Canva, the buyer will also have the right to use it on their own platform.

Third, when selling designs that you create in Canva, be sure to include a link back to the original design so that buyers can find it easily. This will help prevent people from stealing your work.

Fourth, remember that designs created in Canva are not necessarily high-resolution files suitable for print. If you plan to sell prints of your designs, make sure to export them as high-resolution files before doing so.

In conclusion, yes – you can design stuff in Canva and sell it! Just be sure to use licensed fonts and images, and avoid any offensive content, and you’ll be good to go.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.