Website Building » Shopify » Can I Downgrade My Shopify Plan?

Can I Downgrade My Shopify Plan?

Last updated on January 14, 2023 @ 10:34 am

Yes, you can downgrade your Shopify plan. You can contact Shopify support and they will help you downgrade your plan.

How to downgrade your Shopify plan

If you’re not happy with your current Shopify plan, or if you’re finding that you’re not using all the features that come with it, then you may want to downgrade to a lower-priced plan. You can contact Shopify support to do this, and they will help you through the process.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re thinking of downgrading your Shopify plan:

  • First, if you’re on a monthly plan, you’ll need to pay off any remaining balance on your current plan before you can downgrade. This is because Shopify bills monthly plans in advance.
  • Second, if you have any apps installed on your store, be aware that some of them may no longer work if you downgrade to a lower-priced plan.
    This is because some apps are only available on certain plans.
  • Finally, keep in mind that downgrading your Shopify plan will mean giving up access to certain features. So make sure that you won’t need those features before downgrading.

Can I downgrade my Shopify Plan?

Yes, you can downgrade your Shopify Plan. You would need to contact Shopify support in order to do so and they would help guide you through the process. There are a few key points to remember:

  • If on a monthly plan, any remaining balance for the current month would need to be paid off first as Shopify bills monthly plans in advance.
  • Be aware that some apps installed could potentially stop working as some apps are only available on certain plans.
  • Downgrading also means giving up access to certain features so make sure that those features won’t be necessary.
PRO TIP: You may be able to downgrade your Shopify plan, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, if you are on a paid Shopify plan, you will need to cancel your subscription before you can downgrade. Second, if you have any customizations or apps on your current plan, you may need to remove them before switching to a lower-priced plan. Finally, keep in mind that downgrading your Shopify plan may cause your store to have less features and functionality than it did before.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.