As a Fiverr seller, you have the power to set your own prices for the services you offer. You can change your prices at any time, but keep in mind that once you set a price, it can’t be lowered for that particular gig.
If you’re thinking about raising your prices, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, take a look at what other sellers in your category are charging. If you’re significantly lower than the average, you may want to consider raising your prices. Second, think about how long it takes you to complete a gig and what the value of your time is.
If it takes you two hours to complete a gig that you’re only charging $5 for, you’re not making very much money per hour. Finally, consider what costs are associated with the gig. If you’re spending money on materials or other costs, be sure to factor that into your price.
If you decide to raise your prices, go to your Fiverr dashboard and click on “Edit” next to the gig in question. From there, you can change the price and save your changes.
Remember, once you’ve raised your prices, you can’t lower them again for that particular gig.
Can I Edit the Price of My Gig on Fiverr?
Yes, as a Fiverr seller, you have the power to set your own prices for the services you offer and can change these prices at any time.
However, once a price is set for a gig, it cannot be lowered again for that specific gig.
When changing prices, sellers should consider:
You can edit gig prices from your Fiverr dashboard by clicking on “Edit” next to the relevant gig.