Web Design » Figma » Can I Embed a Figma Prototype in Google Slides?

Can I Embed a Figma Prototype in Google Slides?

Last updated on November 30, 2022 @ 4:46 am

Google Slides is a great way to share your Figma prototypes with others. You can easily embed your prototypes in Google Slides by following these simple steps:

    1. In Figma, select the prototype that you want to embed in your Google Slide.

    2. Click on the ‘Share’ button in the top-right corner of the prototype.

    3. In the ‘Share Prototype’ dialogue box, click on the ‘Embed’ tab.

    4. Copy the code that is displayed in the ‘Embed Code’ text box.

    5. Open your Google Slide and click on the ‘Insert’ tab.

    6. Select ‘Text Box’ from the ‘Insert’ menu.

    7. Paste the code that you copied from Figma into the text box.

    8. Resize the text box so that it fits nicely into your slide.

PRO TIP: If you are considering embedding a Figma prototype in Google Slides, be aware that there are some potential risks involved. First and foremost, if your prototype contains sensitive or confidential information, it is possible for unauthorized individuals to gain access to it if the Google Slides presentation is not properly secured. Additionally, if your prototype is updated or changed in any way, those changes will not be reflected in the embedded version in Google Slides, which could lead to confusion or errors. Finally, keep in mind that Figma prototypes are not intended to be used as a standalone presentation tool, so you may find that embedding one in Google Slides does not provide the best user experience.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.