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Can I End Contract UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:32 pm

As a freelancer, you’re always looking for new opportunities. But what happens when you find a great gig on UpWork, only to realize that it’s not the right fit?

If you’re not happy with the job, or if the client is being unreasonable, you may be wondering if you can just end the contract and move on. The answer is yes, you can end a contract on UpWork – but there are some things you should know first.

When you end a contract, UpWork will ask you to provide a reason. You can choose from a list of reasons, or write your own. Be honest in your feedback, as this will help UpWork match you with better clients in the future.

You should also be aware that ending a contract is not without consequences. Your JSS (Job Success Score) will take a hit, and it may be difficult to find new work if you have a history of ending contracts early. So if at all possible, try to work out your differences with the client before ending the contract.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about ending your contract with Upwork, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you have completed all of the work that you have agreed to do. If you have any unfinished work, the client may dispute your request to end the contract. Second, send a message to the client explaining your decision and thanking them for their business. Finally, be prepared to give a brief explanation if the client asks why you are ending the contract.

If you do decide to end a contract, do it professionally. Be polite and respectful in your communication with the client, and take responsibility for your decision. With a little bit of tact, you can end a contract on UpWork without burning any bridges.

Can I End My Contract on UpWork?

Yes, you can end a contract on UpWork – but there are some things you should know first. When you end a contract, UpWork will ask you to provide a reason.

You can choose from a list of reasons, or write your own.

You should also be aware that ending a contract is not without consequences.


In conclusion, while it is possible to end a contract on UpWork, it is not advised unless absolutely necessary. If possible, try to work out any differences with the client before taking this step.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.