Web Development » Fiverr » Can I Extend Delivery Time in Fiverr?

Can I Extend Delivery Time in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:31 am

As a freelancer on Fiverr, one of the most important things you can do is deliver your work on time. If you’re late, it not only reflects badly on you, but also on Fiverr as a platform. That’s why it’s important to know what your rights are when it comes to delivery times, and how to deal with any problems that may arise.

The first thing to know is that, as a freelancer, you are in control of your own delivery times. When you create a gig, you will be asked to specify how long it will take you to complete the work. This is known as the delivery time, and it is up to you to make sure that you can meet this deadline.

Of course, there may be times when you can’t meet the delivery time for a gig. In these cases, it is important to communicate with your client as soon as possible.

PRO TIP: If you are considering extending your delivery time on Fiverr, be warned that this may result in a lower quality of work. This is because many freelancers on the site will take on more work than they can handle in order to make more money, and as a result, the quality of their work will suffer. If you do choose to extend your delivery time, be sure to communicate with your freelancer to ensure that they are still able to produce high-quality work.

Let them know what the problem is and when you expect to be able to deliver the work. It is also a good idea to offer them a partial refund if they are not willing to wait for the full amount of work to be completed.

In some cases, you may be able to extend the delivery time for a gig without any problems. This will usually happen if the client has asked for additional work to be done, or if there has been some kind of unforeseen delay. If this happens, make sure that you communicate with the client and let them know what the new delivery time will be.

However, there may also be times when extending the delivery time is not possible. This could be because the client has already found someone else to do the job, or because they are not willing to wait any longer. In these cases, it is important to refund the client in full and cancel the gig.

As a freelancer on Fiverr, it is important to remember that you are in control of your own delivery times. If you can’t meet a deadline, communicate with your client and offer them a refund if necessary. In most cases, though, it should be possible to extend the delivery time without any problems.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.