As a rule, you can get a refund on your Canva subscription within 14 days of purchase. You will need to contact Canva’s customer support to request a refund and provide your order number.
If you cancel your subscription before the end of the 14-day refund period, you will not be charged for future months.
To cancel your subscription to Canva, go to your profile icon and select Account settings. Next, click the Billing & plans tab and scroll down to search for your subscription details. Click the ellipses icon for the next step.

A pop-up dialog box will appear containing the option to cancel your free trial version of Canva Pro or cancel your subscription option. Click Cancel Trial or Cancel Subscription to proceed.

PRO TIP: If you cancel your Canva Pro subscription, you will not be refunded for any unused time on your account.
If by any chance, Canva still charged your account even after you cancel your subscription, go to your profile section and select the Get help option or click the Help icon. 
Then, in the help icon dialog box, ask how you can receive your refund, and in the search results, you will find information on what to do and the requirements needed before they can issue you a refund.

Can I Get a Refund on My Canva Subscription?
If you’re not happy with your Canva subscription, you can get a refund within 14 days of purchase. Just contact Canva’s customer support and provide your order number. If you cancel before the end of the 14-day refund period, you won’t be charged for future months.
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If you’re not happy with your Canva subscription, you can cancel it at any time and receive a full refund. Simply contact Canva’s support team within 30 days of purchase, and they will process the refund for you. One of the missions and visions of Canva is to make its customers happy with their purchases.
As a Canva subscriber, you may be wondering if you can get a refund if you cancel your subscription. We’ll answer that question for you here. Canva offers two types of subscriptions – monthly and annual.
As a general rule, you cannot refund a Canva subscription. This is because Canva does not offer refunds for its annual or monthly subscriptions. If you have purchased a Canva subscription and would like to cancel it, you can do so by contacting Canva support.
If you’re not happy with a Canva purchase, you can request a refund within 60 days of the transaction. Canva offers refunds for annual subscription plans, Canva Pro subscriptions, and Canva for Enterprise plans. Here’s what you need to know about getting a refund from Canva.
As a rule, you can get a refund from Canva by requesting it within 60 days of the date of purchase. However, there are some conditions that must be met in order for your refund to be processed:
1. You must have a valid reason for requesting a refund.
If you’re not happy with a purchase from Canva, we’re here to help! We offer refunds for certain items under our Refund Policy. To request a refund, please contact our Customer Support team within 30 days of your purchase.