Web Development » Fiverr » Can I Get My Disabled Fiverr Account Back?

Can I Get My Disabled Fiverr Account Back?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:13 pm

If you’ve had your Fiverr account disabled, don’t despair – it may be possible to get it reinstated. First, check the email address associated with your account to see if you received a message from Fiverr explaining why your account was disabled. If you didn’t receive an email, or you’re not sure why your account was disabled, contact customer support.

There are a few reasons why your account could have been disabled, including:

-Violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service or Community Guidelines
-Selling prohibited items or services
-Using unauthorized methods to promote your gig
-Receiving too many negative reviews

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about trying to get your disabled Fiverr account back, think again! This is not something that is possible, and you will only end up wasting your time and energy.

If your account was disabled for one of the above reasons, it’s unlikely that it will be reinstated. However, if you believe your account wasdisabled in error, or if you’ve taken steps to rectify the situation (for example, by removing prohibited items from your gig), you can contact customer support and request that they review your case.

In most cases, customer support will be able to tell you why your account was disabled and whether or not it can be reinstated. If they determine that your account can’t be reinstated, they may be able to suggest alternative ways for you to use Fiverr.

So, while there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get your disabled Fiverr account back, it’s definitely worth reaching out to customer support to see if there’s anything they can do.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.