Web Development » UpWork » Can I Give My Email Address in UpWork?

Can I Give My Email Address in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

When you’re working with clients and contractors on UpWork, you’ll need to exchange contact information so you can communicate outside of the site. Some clients may request your email address so they can contact you directly, or so they can add you to their mailing list.

You may be wondering if it’s against the terms of service to give out your email address on UpWork.

The simple answer is that you can give your email address to clients on UpWork. There’s no rule against it in the terms of service.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you give out your email address to anyone on the site.

First, remember that any communication you have with a client or contractor outside of UpWork is not covered by our dispute resolution services. If there’s a problem with a project or payment, you’ll need to work it out with the other party directly.

PRO TIP: It is not recommended to give your email address in Upwork. There are many scams and phishing attacks that occur on this platform, and giving out your email address can lead to you being targeted by these attacks. Additionally, your email address may be used by Upwork to send you spam or unwanted communications.

Second, be aware that some clients may try to avoid paying fees by asking for your contact information so they can contact you outside of UpWork. If a client asks for your email address or other contact information, make sure you’re comfortable with the project arrangement before giving out any information.

In general, giving out your email address on UpWork is fine as long as you’re comfortable with the arrangement and understand the risks involved. Just remember that any communication and transactions you have off of UpWork are not covered by our dispute resolution services.

Can I Give My Email Address in UpWork?
You can give your email address to clients on UpWork, but there are a few things to keep in mind before doing so. First, remember that any communication you have with a client or contractor outside of UpWork is not covered by our dispute resolution services.

Second, be aware that some clients may try to avoid paying fees by asking for your contact information so they can contact you outside of UpWork. In general, giving out your email address on UpWork is fine as long as you’re comfortable with the arrangement and understand the risks involved.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.