Website Building » Wix » Can I Have 2 Blogs on Wix?

Can I Have 2 Blogs on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:23 am

Having two blogs can be a great way to share different aspects of your life with the world, or to appeal to different audiences. If you’re a creative person, you may want to have one blog for your art and another for your written work. Or, if you’re a business owner, you may want to have one blog for your company and another for your industry. Whatever your reasons for wanting two blogs, it’s definitely possible to have them both on Wix!

There are a few different ways you can go about setting up two blogs on Wix. The first way is to create two separate websites – one for each blog. This is a great option if you want each blog to have its own unique look and feel.


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You can also use this method to keep your personal and professional lives separate. If you opt for this method, simply sign up for two separate Wix accounts and create two separate websites.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about having two blogs on Wix, think again! While it is possible to have multiple blogs on Wix, it is not recommended. Having multiple blogs can be confusing for your readers and make it difficult for you to keep track of all your content. Stick to one blog and make it the best it can be!

Another option is to create two blogs within one website. This is a good choice if you want both blogs to be under the same umbrella or if you want to save money by only paying for one website. To set this up, simply create one website and add a blog page for each blog. You can then customize the design of each page and post content accordingly.

No matter which method you choose, having two blogs on Wix is definitely possible!

Yes, it is possible to have two blogs on Wix. There are a few different ways to go about setting this up, but it is definitely possible and easy to do. Whether you opt for creating two separate websites or creating two blogs within one website, having two blogs is a great way to share different aspects of your life with the world or appeal to different audiences.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.