Web Development » UpWork » Can I Have Two Profiles in UpWork?

Can I Have Two Profiles in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

It’s a common question we get asked, “Can I have two profiles on UpWork” The simple answer is no, you can’t. You’re only allowed to have one profile per person.

The reasoning behind this is that your profile is meant to represent you as an individual freelancer. Creating multiple profiles goes against the idea of being an individual and can lead to problems down the road.

PRO TIP: If you create more than one profile on Upwork, your account may be subject to suspension. Creating multiple profiles on Upwork is a violation of our Terms of Service.

For example, if you have two profiles and you get hired for a project on one profile, but then you’re unable to complete the project on your own and need to hire someone else from your other profile to help you, the client will not be happy. Not only that, but it’s also against UpWork’s Terms of Service.

Creating multiple profiles also makes it difficult for clients to find the right freelancer for their project. If they see that you have multiple profiles with different skillsets, they may not be sure which one to hire you for.

In short, having multiple profiles on UpWork is not allowed and is not in your best interest as a freelancer. Stick to one profile and make sure that it represents you and your skillset accurately.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.