Web Design » Figma » Can I Import Axure to Figma?

Can I Import Axure to Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:48 pm

As more and more designers are using Figma to design user interfaces, the question arises of whether it’s possible to import Axure files into Figma. The answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as just importing the file. Here’s a step-by-step guide to importing an Axure file into Figma.

1. Open the Axure file in the Axure RP 8 application.

2. Go to File > Export > HTML and Images. This will export the file as an HTML file and a folder of images.

3. Create a new project in Figma and drag the HTML file into the project. This will automatically import the images as well.

4. In Figma, go to File > Import.

Select the HTML file you exported from Axure and click Open. This will import the file as an image.

Note: The imported file will be an image, so you won’t be able to edit it as you would a native Figma file. If you need to edit the design, you’ll need to do so in Axure and export it again.

PRO TIP: Please be advised that importing Axure files into Figma is not supported and may cause unexpected errors or loss of data.

Can I Import Axure to Figma?

The answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as just importing the file.


2. Go to File>Export>HTML and Images.


Create a new project in Figma and drag the HTML file into the project.

4. In Figma, go to File>Import. Select the HTML file you exported from Axure and click Open.


“Can I Import Axure to Figma?”

“The answer is yes , but it ’ s not as simple as just importing the file . Here ’ s a step – by – step guide to importing an Axure file into Figma .”

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.