Web Design » Canva » Can I Insert a Table in Canva?

Can I Insert a Table in Canva?

Last updated on December 8, 2022 @ 2:49 am

You can insert a table in Canva using the Table element. To do this, simply click on the Table element in the left-hand sidebar, and then click on the Insert button. This will insert a table into your design.

You can style the text in your table using the < p >, < b > and < u > tags. To do this, simply select the text you want to style, and then click on the Style drop-down menu. From here, you can select the style you want to apply to your text.

PRO TIP: Can I Insert a Table in Canva?

You can insert a table in Canva, but be aware that it may not look the way you expect it to. The table may be distorted or have missing elements.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.