Web Design » Photoshop » Can I Open a Photoshop File in Lightroom?

Can I Open a Photoshop File in Lightroom?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:52 pm

Yes, you can open a Photoshop file in Lightroom. However, you will need to use the Edit In feature to do so.

This feature can be found in the right-click menu when you have a file selected.

Once you select Edit In, you will see a list of compatible applications that you can choose from. Select Adobe Photoshop from the list.

You may also need to select the specific version of Photoshop that you have installed on your computer.

After you select Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom will send the file to Photoshop where you can edit it as normal. Once you are finished editing, simply save the file and it will be automatically updated in Lightroom.

PRO TIP: When opening a Photoshop file in Lightroom, there may be some compatibility issues. For example, certain Photoshop features may not be compatible with Lightroom, and some editing changes may not be reflected in the Lightroom version of the file.

So, in conclusion, you can open a Photoshop file in Lightroom by using the Edit In feature. Doing so will allow you to edit the file in Photoshop and have the changes automatically saved back to Lightroom.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.