Web Design » Figma » Can I Open Sketch Files in Figma?

Can I Open Sketch Files in Figma?

Last updated on November 27, 2022 @ 4:35 pm

Sketch is a vector drawing and animation software for Mac OS X, developed by Bohemian Coding. It is primarily used by web designers and developers to create user interfaces and website designs.

Figma is a vector graphics editor and prototyping tool, developed by Silicon Valley startup Figma, Inc. It is used by web designers and developers to create user interfaces, wireframes, and website designs.

So, can you open Sketch files in Figma? The answer is yes!

You can import Sketch files into Figma using the ‘Import’ button in the File menu. Figma will automatically convert your Sketch file into a vector format that can be edited in Figma. You can also style text in HTML using < p >,< b > and < u > tags where applicable.

PRO TIP: Sketch files cannot be opened directly in Figma. In order to import a Sketch file into Figma, you will need to use the Sketch Plugin.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.