Website Building » Squarespace » Can I Print Shipping Labels Through Squarespace?

Can I Print Shipping Labels Through Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:18 am

If you’re using Squarespace to sell products through your website, you might be wondering if you can print shipping labels directly through the platform. The good news is that you can!

Squarespace makes it easy to print shipping labels for your orders. Simply go to the Orders page in your Squarespace backend, select the order you need to ship, and click the “Print Shipping Label” button. From there, you can choose your shipping carrier and print out a label for your package.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Squarespace to print your shipping labels, be aware that there have been reports of issues with doing so. Some users have reported that their labels come out blurry or smeared, and that the printing process is generally unreliable. Given these concerns, it is probably best to use another service for printing your shipping labels.

This is a great way to save time and get your orders out the door quickly. Plus, it offers a seamless experience for your customers – they’ll receive their tracking information automatically, and they can track their package right from your website.


You can easily print shipping labels for your Squarespace orders by going to the Orders page in your backend and clicking the “Print Shipping Label” button. This is a great way to save time and provide a seamless experience for your customers.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.