Web Development » Fiverr » Can I Remove a Review Fiverr?

Can I Remove a Review Fiverr?

Last updated on January 30, 2023 @ 6:41 pm

If you’re a seller on Fiverr, you know that reviews are important. They provide social proof that helps you close sales, and they also help you rank higher in the search results.

But what happens when you get a bad review? Is there anything you can do about it?

The short answer is no, you can’t remove a review from Fiverr. Once a buyer leaves a review, it’s there for good. However, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the damage.

First, if the bad review is from a buyer who was unhappy with your work, try to make things right. If you can offer a refund or some other form of compensation, do so. This will show future buyers that you’re willing to stand behind your work, even if things don’t always go perfectly.

Second, reply to the bad review publicly. Thank the buyer for their feedback and let them know that you’re working to improve your services. This shows that you’re responsive to criticism and willing to learn from your mistakes.

Finally, focus on getting more positive reviews from happy buyers. The more positive reviews you have, the less impact a single bad review will have. You can encourage buyers to leave reviews by offering discounts or other incentives.

Bad reviews are never fun, but they don’t have to be the end of the world. By taking some proactive steps, you can minimize the damage and continue growing your business on Fiverr.

PRO TIP: If you remove a review on Fiverr, your account may be subject to suspension or termination.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.