Website Building » Shopify » Can I Remove Powered by Shopify?

Can I Remove Powered by Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:41 pm

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market. It’s easy to use, has tons of features, and is highly customizable. However, one thing that Shopify users may not like is the “Powered by Shopify” text that appears in the footer of their store.

Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to remove this text. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it in both the desktop and mobile versions of your Shopify theme.

How to Remove Powered by Shopify in the Desktop Version

In the desktop version of your Shopify theme, the “Powered by Shopify” text is controlled by a setting in the Theme Settings section of your dashboard. To remove it, follow these steps:

1. Log into your Shopify account and go to Online Store > Themes.

2. Find the theme you want to edit and click Actions > Edit code.

3. In the Layout section of the Edit HTML/CSS page, click on theme.liquid.

4. Find the following line of code: {{ powered_by_link }} and delete it.

5. Click Save at the top of the page to save your changes.

How to Remove Powered by Shopify in the Mobile Version

In the mobile version of your Shopify theme, the “Powered by Shopify” text is controlled by a setting in the Theme Settings section of your dashboard. To remove it, follow these steps:

1. 2. 3.

In the Layout section of the Edit HTML/CSS page, click on theme-mobile.liquid . 4. Find the following line of code: {{ powered_by_link }} and delete it.. 5. Click Save at the top of 6 .the page to save your changes. You can also remove 7 .the Powered byShopify link from 8 .the footer of your shop’s pages by deleting 9 .the Footer section from 10 .the Layout page. It’s important to note that if you delete 11 .the Footer section, any links that were in that section will also be deleted. For example, if you have a link to your shop’s Terms and Conditions in the Footer section, deleting 12 .the Footer section will also delete that link. In conclusion, yes you can remove “powered by Shopify” from both Desktop and Mobile versions in your Shopify settings!

PRO TIP: Warning: Removing “Powered by Shopify” from your store’s footer is against Shopify’s Terms of Service. Doing so could result in your account being suspended.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.