Web Design » Photoshop » Can I Run Photoshop on 2GB RAM?

Can I Run Photoshop on 2GB RAM?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:51 pm

Photoshop is a resource-intensive program, and as such, it requires a significant amount of RAM to run effectively. The minimum amount of RAM that Photoshop requires is 2GB, but 4GB is recommended for optimal performance.

If you’re working with large files or performing complex editing tasks, you may need even more RAM than that. For example, if you’re working with 4K video or high-resolution photos, you may need 8GB or more of RAM.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about running Photoshop on a computer with only 2GB of RAM, be warned that it will likely run very slowly. Photoshop is a resource-intensive program and requires at least 4GB of RAM to run smoothly. If your computer only has 2GB of RAM, you might be better off using a less resource-intensive program like GIMP.

So can you run Photoshop on 2GB of RAM? The short answer is yes, but you may experience some slowdown and performance issues if you’re working with large files or attempting to perform complex tasks. If possible, it’s best to upgrade to 4GB or more of RAM for the best experience.


Yes, Photoshop can be run on 2GB of RAM, but performance may suffer in some cases. For the best experience, it is recommended to upgrade to 4GB or more of RAM.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.