Website Building » Shopify » Can I Sell Amazon Products on My Shopify Store?

Can I Sell Amazon Products on My Shopify Store?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:46 pm

If you’re looking to sell Amazon products on your Shopify store, you may be wondering if it’s possible. The short answer is yes, you can sell Amazon products on your Shopify store. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re planning on doing this.

First, you’ll need to set up an Amazon affiliate account. This will give you a unique affiliate link that you can use to promote Amazon products on your Shopify store. You can find instructions on how to do this here:

PRO TIP: If you are planning on selling Amazon products on your Shopify store, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, Amazon has very strict policies about what can and cannot be sold on their platform. If you violate their terms of service, your account could be suspended or even banned. Second, Shopify’s terms of service also prohibit the sale of certain types of products, including those that are prohibited by Amazon. Finally, it is important to note that Shopify’s payment processing fees will apply to any sales made through your store, and these fees can be significant.

Once you have your Amazon affiliate account set up, you’ll need to add the Amazon Product Ad Widget to your Shopify store. This widget will display Amazon products on your Shopify store and allow customers to purchase them directly from Amazon. You can find instructions on how to add the widget here:

Finally, you’ll need to set up your payment settings so that you can receive payments for any Amazon sales that are made through your Shopify

Selling Amazon products on your Shopify store is a great way to supplement your income and give your customers more purchase options. Just be sure to follow the steps above so that you can get started selling Amazon products on your Shopify store today!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.