Website Building » Shopify » Can I Use a WordPress Theme on Shopify?

Can I Use a WordPress Theme on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:42 pm

If you’re planning on setting up an online store, you’re probably wondering which platform to use. WordPress and Shopify are two of the most popular options, but which one is best for you?

If you’re using WordPress, you may be wondering if you can use a WordPress theme on Shopify. The short answer is yes, but it’s not quite as simple as that.

Shopify is a platform designed specifically for ecommerce, whereas WordPress is a general-purpose content management system. This means that Shopify comes with a range of features and tools that are geared towards helping you sell online, whereas WordPress doesn’t have these built-in.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using a WordPress theme on your Shopify store, be aware that there are some risks involved. WordPress themes are not designed specifically for Shopify, so they may not be compatible with all of Shopify’s features. Additionally, if you use a WordPress theme on your Shopify store, you will not be able to take advantage of Shopify’s built-in ecommerce functionality, such as automated tax calculation and abandoned cart recovery.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use a WordPress theme on Shopify. There are plenty of themes available that have been designed specifically for use with Shopify, and these will give you all the features and functionality that you need to create a successful online store.

When choosing a theme for your Shopify store, make sure to pick one that is responsive (meaning it will look good on mobile devices), and that includes all the features and tools you need to run your business.

The bottom line is that yes, you can use a WordPress theme on Shopify, but it’s important to choose one that is designed specifically for use with the platform. This will ensure that your store has all the features and functionality you need to be successful.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.