Website Building » Shopify » Can I Use Alibaba on Shopify?

Can I Use Alibaba on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:04 pm

Yes, you can use Alibaba on Shopify. You can use Alibaba to source products and then sell them on Shopify.

This is a great way to start an online business because you can find products that are already being manufactured and then sell them on your own website or store. There are a few things to keep in mind when using Alibaba, such as ensuring that you find a reputable supplier and that you understand the terms of service. But overall, using Alibaba on Shopify is a great way to get started in ecommerce.

PRO TIP: Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce site that offers a wide variety of products, from electronics to clothes to home goods. Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce platform that enables businesses to create online stores. While it is possible to use Alibaba on Shopify, there are some risks involved.

First and foremost, Alibaba is a marketplace for Chinese manufacturers and suppliers. This means that the quality of the products offered on the site can vary greatly. Additionally, because Shopify is designed for businesses in North America, using Alibaba on Shopify can result in higher shipping costs and longer delivery times. Finally, because Shopify charges transaction fees, using Alibaba on Shopify can be more expensive than using other e-commerce platforms.


You can absolutely use Alibaba on Shopify. This is a great way to get started in ecommerce and find products that are already being manufactured. Just be sure to find a reputable supplier and understand the terms of service before getting started.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.